I'd bet you've had thoughts like these:
"Should I invest in a nutritionist?
Cut out sugar and refined carbs? (I’ve heard it’s basically crack cocaine!)
Cut out processed seed oils? (Is it affecting my satiety hormones?)
Cut out Dairy? (Disrupting my thyroid?)
No! Not cheese. Please don’t take away my cheese!
I tell you what, I’ll hit the gym, get a personal trainer and enter the next IronMan Triathlon. I'll out-exercise my overeating.
Or perhaps hypnotherapy will work?
What about intermittent fasting?
Stomach stapling?
Ah ha! I've got it! I’ll get on Ozempic instead!
I’ll drop 3K a year on weight-loss pharmaceuticals that make me feel sick all day.
Yep. That’s it! That’s what I’ll do!”